Spanish lifestyles. Move to Spain, live, learn and eat Spanish. Don´t forget Siesta!
HAPPY IN SPAIN: If people are a bit sensible, only four countries should be considerable to visit: Spain, Italy, Iceland and Japan. Not just for holidays on sunbeds, or swim in natural hot lagoons, or visit old churches. No, these addresses are where to learn how to eat healthy, and finally how to live a better, healthier and long life. If you like to live longer, then have focus on Spain, live happy in Spain with Spanish lifestyles.

The Bloomberg Global Health Index is a study that ranks 169 countries based on variables such as life expectancy, environmental factors. And health risks – and the latest edition from 2020 will help to decide which destination to visit next.

Spanish lifestyles: Fresh and local food
The good news: some of our absolute favourite countries are ranked among the world´s healthiest.
Spain is official the healthiest country in the world. Manly because the Spanish people put importance of freshness and locality when it comes to food. Diets focused on olive oil, fresh vegetables, lean meats, and red wine. The Spanish also eat less fast food in Europe.
When it comes to health, you can´t discount the value of a good siesta, either.

Seafood on the Beach
Some Spanish food are so tasty you will forget that they are healthy and good for you.
Small fish like sardines and anchovies should be top of the lst. Along Costa del Sol in the south, you can combine beach-life with tasty fish served at beach restaurants. Seafood by the sea, off the tourist areas. Eat quality and traditional dishes with locals at the many popular Chiringuitos.
Food: Spanish lifestyles and culture
Here are six healthy Spanish foods that are so tasty you will forget that they are good for you, along with Spanish culture.
Small fish – big in taste. Choose fish like sardines and anchovies, they are good for you.
Spanish vegetables and fruit are fresh, tasty and at its best quality. Such as apples, apricots, pears, peaches, bananas and plums. There are many reasons to stay happy in Spain.
Nuts: Almonds have a number of health benefits, included heart-friendly fat, fibre and vitamin, and have the highest calcium content of nuts.

Ham and Honey
Healthy ham: Serrano ham is a healthy food, and a source of proteins and essential vitamins. It has a high iron content.
Honey is super: When consumed in moderation, honey can boost levels of antioxidants found in the blood. This has been linked to a reduced risk of heart conditions, and even some types of cancer.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil: It is loaded with heart-healthy fats and antioxidants. Also linked to a long list of benefits and may protect against inflammation, heart disease, breast cancer, and type 2 diabetes.
Healthiest countries
The Spanish and the Mediterranean diet is no joke. Look at this list – here are the 10 Healthiest countries in the world, and they all take food seriously.
On top are Spain and Italy. Followed by Iceland, Japan, Switzerland, Sweden, Australia, Singapore, Norway and Israel.

Israel has a diet rich in vegetables, fish, and unsaturated fat – which clearly pay off. This is the country with lowest number of diet-related death, such as high cholesterol and diabetes. They are eating a lot of hummus in Israel.
Norway has clean air and water, lot of fish, and low homicide rates. On the other hand, long dark winters, criminal high prices on everything, and a boring country most of the year. Still surprisingly number 8.
Happy to be outdoor
Singapore is the healthiest country in Asia, and made the balance healthy food with active lifestyle.
Australia has its way of outdoor and happy life, it´s actually not about the food.
In Sweden, half of the population enjoy daily long walks, and people in cites cycle regularly.
Regarding Switzerland, we expect all the alpine skiing might have something to do with place number 5. They have the best health care system.

Stimulate long life
Japan has the oldest population in the world, and they know the combination of diet and exercise. The secret is not a secret, but called “Hara Hachi Bu” – meaning eat until you are 80% full. This reduce disease, avoid obesity, and stimulate a long life.
Surprisingly, Iceland near top of this list. It must be the year around fresh air, seafood and free-range meat.
It´s time to add being healthy to the list of things the Italians do better than anybody else. In the nation of pizza and pasta, most citizens live active lifestyle and stick to vegetables and olive-oil. The result is better cholesterol and overall well-being.

Less processed foods
The Bloomberg index rank 169 of the healthies and unhealthiest countries. They include factors as smoking, high blood pressure and obesity, life expectancy, nutrition and causes of death. Overall health and wellbeing are largely determined by what one eats.
Many European nations have managed to leave Western style diet to more traditional culinary traditions. Diets that include fewer processed foods that are lower in unhealthy fats while being higher in fruits, vegetables, fibre, and lean proteins.

My life in Spain
Samoa has the unhealthiest population, and one of the highest obesity rates in the world. Half was obese in 2016 as 47.3% of the whole country’s population was obese in 2016, and 18% of all deaths were credited to obesity. Hungary, Lithuania, Indonesia and Niger have all ended up on this dubious list.
Britain is one of the more unhealthy countries in Europe. Worryingly, the majority of adults are overweight: 67% of men and 60% of women. In the US, more die of too much food than of too little.
I decided a move from England to Malaga before writing this story, telling that life is predictable. My new life in Span will be healthier. As one said before I left North London: Life is like a box of chocolates; it ends sooner for fat people. And I continue a tradition to be happy in Spain: The Siesta!