Thursday, December 12, 2024

Human Tower is a Catalan Tradition Worth the Climb

Standing on each other´s shoulders and create the highest human tower is something spectacular to explore when you are in Barcelona and Catalonia.

Which country has the best sense of humor..? Not Germany!

Finally, it is official. Germans are not funny! The result of a survey is nothing to laugh about - if you are German.

Running the World: Get set and Speed up in 80 Lanes!

Office is not the place for a travel reporter. He should run the world. Not in 80 days, but at 80 lanes and stadiums. In maximum speed from Arctic to Antarctic.

I want to Leave – What Country should I move to…?

For women, Pakistan is one of the worst countries in the world! MOVE TO ANOTHER COUNTRY: Popular destinations for expatriates often include countries like Canada,...

Tampere Finland: Hot and Cold in Capital of Sauna

Tampere was part of the big revolution when Finland went from fat to fit. Meet people in the world city of Sauna Sisu and Fitness.

Travel Alone and Enjoy Life in The Fast Lane

I don´t need travelling with anybody, I am happy in my own company. Best of all, I travel solo without being lonely and I meet Rapido Amigos

Top 10 Things to do at Stonehenge

It´s older than the Egyptian pyramids and still largely a mystery. Yes, it is possible visiting Stonehenge without paying for a ticket.

Greek Coffee tradition – A pleasure for body, mind and soul

The Greeks like to sip it and enjoy the aroma while socialising. The longer it takes for them to drink a coffee, the more they enjoy it!