Keep checking for information and continue to do so right up until your travel dates
NEXT BIG ADVENTURE: If your travel plans have been disturbed by the coronavirus pandemic, you’re not alone. Sadly, this year, millions of people have missed out on family holidays, romantic getaways and trips of a lifetime. And if you’re one of those people it’s easy to feel utterly distraught at the sudden restrictions. But travelling in 2021 looks likely.

However, if your travel plans have changed, chances are you’ve already rearranged your trip for 2021. It’s disappointing, to say the least, however, this delay in your travels means you have more time to plan and arrange your next big adventure. Certainly, we all want to continue and explore what´s on offer in this beautiful world. We have to realise the new reality – and plan a dream holiday.
Read on for 7 things to do before you go travelling in 2021.

Print out your old travel photo
Have you fully decompressed from your last trip? Whether you were on a family holiday or you travelled across a new country before the world closed its borders, then chances are you have plenty of stunning photos sitting in your phone that need printing. Don’t just save your best shots for social media, check out and discover all the ways you can display your beautiful travel shots. They’ll provide the perfect reminder of everything you have to look forward to in 2021.
Your travel finances
Due to the delay of your trip, it means you have more time to gather up any savings and add to your travel fund. This financial breathing room could mean you get to spend more time overseas, book a fancier hotel suite, try more activities or just have more in your emergency fund. Don’t stop saving just because your break is on hold!

Check events available
You may be able to travel next year, but there could be some activities and events that are still unavailable due to the risk of infection. Keep checking your providers’ website for more information and continue to do so right up until your travel dates, if your chosen activities are cancelled you could use the money to do something else.
Cancel and rebook new dates
Taking time off work is something we all look forward to. Just make sure you remember to cancel the dates you can no longer use and rebook your new travel dates! Otherwise, you’ll be having some awkward conversations with your boss on the day of your flight!

Check your passport
If your flight and travel plans have been suspended until 2021, make sure your passport will still be valid on the dates you can travel. If your passport is suddenly out of date, then you won’t be able to fly. Some countries won’t allow you to enter if your passport has less than six months of validation left. Check the dates now!
Get your vaccinations
If you’re planning on traveling somewhere that requires a vaccination, then avoid cancelling your appointments. Sometimes vaccination courses last months, so keep your slot and go ahead as planned if appropriate.

Don’t get stressed
It’s incredibly frustrating to have your holiday or travel plans disrupted, but don’t stress about it too much. The longer you have to wait, the more you’ll appreciate your time when you finally get there.
The Canary Islands are definitely a stress-free area. Few will resist winter brake and event like the Gran Canarias Carnival taking place in February and March. Three weeks of entertainment with parades, processions, music, dancing, Drag Queen Gala, horses, children´s events and a whole lot more.
Charming words – Learn before you go